Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Kombucha, Fermented Drinks, Letting Go!

Kombucha, Top view, it's alive!! Esta viviendo!! Kombucha is a fermented beverage with lots of health benefits. The Kombucha "scoby"needs to "eat" a sweet black tea which then transforms it's properties into this amazing healthy enzymatic drink. Yes, it looks like a mushroom but it's not, it's yeast, and not that bad kind. It grows, and grows, and as it's growing, the sweet black tea is changing color,  getting lighter and looking and smelling more like a cider. It's delicious!!
What makes this drink so fantastic besides all the health benefits, is how wonderfully versatile it is, basically you mix it with anything. You can make non-alcoholic drinks such as mojita's, sangria, or add it to your water chai smoothie, banana smoothies or berry smoothie, to make it more healthy and distinct. Make a smoothie with a shot of Kombucha will have your friends wondering what taste so good . It could be our secret. You not only gave them a healthy drink but a delicious one.
Kombucha survives with just a mix of black tea and sugar.

The Kombucha beverage, is just one way adding a delicious fermented, enzymatic drink into your diet, which we all need nowadays, with all the chemicals used in the production of our food , a depletion of minerals and enzymes in the soil,consuming food, with little vitamins, we can certaintly use fermented drinks in our diet. And why not do it creatively. Which is what  Solte is about. It's bringing the best of two worlds, enzymes, and delicious combination of exotic tea's and spices together. Sol is for bringing light into your diet, sun and joy, which is good health, and té is Spanish for tea, and Solté is a word in Spanish for letting go, releasing all that is holding you back, if you know what I mean...when you have a good floral digestion tract you will enjoy good digestion. Enjoy!


  1. I love your kombucha - it's the best!!!! And, your kombucha mixed drinks are absolutely fantastic. I tell all my friends about you.
